Tag Archives: Yoga

When Things Change…

Welp, here I am!  It has been 210 days since my last post.  But here I am! And yes things have changed quite a bit in my world.

Since March, I have planned a wedding, left my full-time secure job, got married, traveled to Greece, took a stab at teaching yoga full time, got a new last name (!), and have a lot more time on my hands.

Things change.  Our circumstances change.  Our jobs change. Schedules change.  People in our lives change.  And we change.  If we allow it.   Continue reading

Finding My ‘Why’

That’s a big statement, huh?  Finding my ‘Why’.

Last week, driving to work, I turned on one of my favorite podcasts at the moment, SoulFeed. The episode was titled, How to Manifest the Career You Want.  I highly suggest a listen to anyone who is often questioning their path in life (aren’t we all?).  Whether your path in your career or simply who you are being for this world and the people in it.

I had an ah ha moment while listening to Shannon. His very first point talked about starting with ‘Why.’ An idea that Simon Sinek writes about in his book “Start With Why.” Why are you doing the things you are doing in life?  Deep down at your core, what’s driving you?

This idea and conversation sparked some contemplation in me.  And this is when the light bulb went off.


Why do I teach yoga?

Life is hectic, hard, stressful, chaotic, busy.  I can go on, we all know that. Continue reading

Why I Love Practicing Yoga to Music

The first time I ever stepped my ten toes on to a yoga mat was during a Hip Hop Yoga class in Boston.  A friend had asked me if I’d like to join her and I couldn’t resist.  I grew up a dancer and well always heard yoga was “good for you.”

One hour and 15 minutes later I was hooked and never looked back.  People used to ask me, ‘Hip Hop Yoga? Isn’t that an oxymoron? Are you dancing on your yoga mat?’  Not exactly.  Hip Hop Yoga was (and still is) a 75 minute vinyasa class set to loud, hip hop music.  Bostonians used to flock to these classes to set up their mats inches from the next yogi, sweat and flow to the music.DJ

For me, it was the time in my day that I was able to just be with myself and tune the rest of my daily stresses out.  I was working a 9 to 5 job, living paycheck to paycheck, and trying to find my way in the world.  If my early 20’s were a roller coaster ride, Hip Hop Yoga was my harness, keeping me from flying out of my seat.  Continue reading

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