Tag Archives: Omelet

Why I Eat Breakfast for Dinner

Happy Friday loves! It’s no secret to anyone close to me or who reads this blog that I eat A LOT of eggs. And usually for…dinner!

Yup, that’s right. Eggs for dinner.  At least 3 to 4 times a week. Most people are baffled by this.

Don’t you get tired of the same meal? Egg yolks are bad for you. What a boring dinner.

Nope! For three years now, since going primal, I look forward to my bacon and eggs throughout the week and I don’t see that changing too soon.

Here’s why:

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1. It’s easy! Duh. Who doesn’t love a meal that takes 10 minutes to whip up? Continue reading

A Perfect Saturday – Workouts, Wine, and Friends

Yesterday was what I would call a perfect Saturday.  I fit in all of the things I love!  A great crossfit workout to kick-start my weekend before we headed to the vineyard to enjoy some wine, cheese, and time with friends.  What can be better than that?

Here is the Crossfit WOD I chose

45 pound barbell Overhead squat, 50 reps
100 Abmat sit-ups
115 pound Overhead squat, 25 reps
50 Toes-to-bar
185 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
20 GHD sit-ups

Here is how I modified it (I ended up completing it in 15:50)

20 pound barbell Overhead squat, 50 reps
75 Abmat sit-ups
30 pound Overhead squat, 25 reps
35 Leg Raises
40 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
20 GHD sit-ups

I ran a mile before this workout and then did some yoga on my own after it.  My abs are pretty sore today, so I guess that means it worked! After our workout we came home and made our go to Saturday omelet, which is also my go to dinner many nights.  It always does the trick.



Later we headed up to Wallingford, my hometown, to Gouveia Vineyards.  Gouveia is a gorgeous winery set up on a hill in Wallingford, CT with breathtaking views and beautiful sunsets.  I still can’t believe we have such a fantastic place in my hometown and I didn’t know about it until just the past couple of years.  Here is my Yelp review.  If you ever find yourself in Connecticut, Gouveia is a must – see!



We made a stop at Whole Foods to grab some cheese and crackers.  One of my favorite cheeses from Whole Foods is called Midnight Moon.  It’s made with goat’s milk and tastes like a mix between goat cheese and gouda.  For crackers, we usually get Nut Thins.  They are gluten-free and made from almonds.  You can find them in most grocery stores now a days.


We met up with friends, some who I haven’t seen in a while, so it was really nice to be with everyone.  Once the sun started setting we went picture crazy as I always do!





We all had a great time and a perfect Saturday.  What’s your idea of a perfect Saturday?

My Go To Dinner – Spinach, Mushroom, Bacon Omelet

Alright, so I think this has my been my go to dinner for almost two years now….that’s crazy right?!  How can a person not get sick of a meal after two years? I couldn’t tell you because I eat this meal at least 3 to 4 times per week.  I used to switch up the ingredients but have pretty much stuck to the staples lately.  It’s so easy to make too which is why it’s the best for weeknight dinners!



Sliced Mushrooms

Organic Spinach

2 or 3 Cage Free Eggs

First cook the bacon until your desired crispness (sometimes I get too impatient and my bacon doesn’t come out very crispy at all).  Remove the bacon and put aside. Saute the mushrooms and spinach in the bacon grease.  Add two or three whisked eggs (I usually add a splash of water instead of milk) to the pan right over the mushrooms and spinach.  The pan has to be the size of the omelet before flipped in half.  Let the eggs cook by swiveling the frying pan.  Add the bacon to one side once the egg is almost fully cooked.  Take the side without the bacon and flip that half on top of the other half.  The picture might help….I’ve never really written out recipes and think I might need some work!

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I also had a bunch of cucumbers and tomatoes lying around so decided to put together a simple salad to have for the rest of the week.  Perfect to bring to work for lunch!

Simple Cucumber Tomato Salad


Organic Grape Tomatoes

Olive Oil

Salt, Pepper, and Trader Joes Lemon Pepper

Combine everything and enjoy!

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