
21 Day Sugar Detox Day 4 and a Treadmill Workout

Four days down, 17 to go!  To be honest the 21 Day Sugar Detox hasn’t been too, too bad so far.  Because I already eat a primal diet during the week, there wasn’t too drastic of a change for me.  The biggest changes this week have been removing cottage cheese, berries, chocolate, and ketchup from my diet.

Day 2 and 4 have been the harder days.  I feel like my energy level is low and I’ve been a little hungry during the day at work.  I think one of the hardest parts has been changing my habits because I stay pretty consistent during the week (I eat my lunch and snack at the same times every day).  Oh, and I really miss GUM!  It’s such a small thing but I always pop gum in after I eat or if I get a little hungry.  It’s probably a good thing that I am breaking this habit!

My meals all week have consisted of:

  • Morning Snack: Cinilla Nut Mix from the 21 Day Sugar Detox book
  • Lunch: Mexi Meatloaf from the 21 Day Sugar Detox book
  • Afternoon Snack: I’ve switched between green apple, avocado, or a banana coconut shake
  • Dinner: Leftover Balsamic Braised Beef or my Omelet



This was me while cooking dinner after the gym.  I was too hungry to wait so had a few carrots! 🙂

Plans for the weekend:

So I think the weekdays are going to be pretty much a breeze for me.  It’s not too different from how I eat already.  What IS going to be hard are the three weekends during these 21 days.  Although I follow a primal diet I pretty much follow the 80/20 rule and indulge a bit on the weekend.  Not having sweet potato fries, or cheese, or wine, or beer….ahh this will definitely challenge me! I am looking forward to making some more recipes though!

My workout tonight:

Because I completely failed at getting up and running this morning (I pressed snooze 7 times!) I decided to go to the gym tonight.  In order to keep the gym fun, fresh, and something to look forward to I like to switch things up.  I did a new Treadmill interval run tonight that I kind of just came up with on the spot. Sometimes I do exercises on the best non slip yoga mat I recently bought.

This is a 20 minute run that gets you to about 1.9 miles.  If you run at 6 for an extra minute on either side you will easily hit 2 miles!  I was so winded for some reason during this run, but it was well worth it!



This is the first time I tried out PicMonkey!  It’s a really cool site that allows you to make awesome pictures with text, etc.  I’ve always seen Tina from Carrots n Cake use them so asked her for the tip!

Has anyone else been feeling sluggish this week?  Especially those on the 21 DSD?


12 Days of Christmas WOD

Hello!  I can’t believe Christmas is here and gone already…too fast, too fast people.  I am going to do a Christmas re-cap over the next few days but first I wanted to tell you about the workout I did on Christmas Eve.

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I stumbled upon it on Tina’s (from Carrots n Cake) Instagram.  Since I was going to the gym that morning and needed a WOD to do I jumped on it!  I googled 12 Days of Christmas WOD and a bunch of Crossfit gym’s websites came up.  I picked the one that I thought would be best for me.

This is how it went:

  • 1 Clean (30 Pounds)
  • 2 Hand Stand Pushups (modified this to 2 shoulder presses)
  • 3 Front Squats (30 Pounds)
  • 4 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (30 Pounds)
  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 6 Box Jumps
  • 7 Burpees
  • 8 Push Ups
  • 9 Wall Balls (10 Pounds)
  • 10 Kettle Bell Swings (15 Pounds)
  • 11 Deadlifts (30 Pounds)
  • 12 Thrusters

The concept of the workout worked just like the 12 Days of Christmas song.  Do exercise 1, then exercise 1 and 2, then 1 and 2 and 3, and so on.  It was a really tough one but so fun and so worth it!  I’m telling you, one of the best motivators I have found is knowing you are going to be enjoying yourself (and cheating).  It gives me the motivation knowing I am earning my meals!  I finished in just under 30 minutes!  

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How did you earn your Christmas dinners?

How To Stay Fit Without a Gym Membership

Confession.  For about 2 to 3 years while living in Boston I didn’t belong to a gym.  Anyone living in a city can relate I’m sure.  Gym memberships are just too darn expensive! Especially when you have a rent to pay that claims half of your pay check.

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There is good news though.  You don’t need a gym!  I worked my way towards feeling the best I have in my life, without one.  Let me tell you how to stay fit without a gym membership…because I did it myself!

Go For A Run:  The best thing about running is all you need are your two legs!  Okay and I guess some shoes and gear.  The key to keep running fun and effective is to change it up or work your way towards a goal.  Some days do hills, other days to interval sprints.  Change up the route, or sign up for a 5k.  Running outside is one of my favorite ways to get my sweat on!

Drop-In Yoga Classes:  I was lucky to find a studio in Boston that had cheap drop in classes (only $10).  If you can’t find a studio with cheap rates like this, look for community classes which only ask for a small donation.

Work Out At Home:  For about a year I would do Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred videos (they are available on YouTube for free).  I still love them, and actually just did one tonight for the first time in a while!  They are only 30 minutes long but incorporate strength training and cardio.  Just make sure you have a set of dumbbells ( a great gift idea)!  I also just discovered Melissa Bender’s site that has short workout videos you can do at home!  Check it out!

Use The Park as Your Gym: I had a big park in my back yard when living in Boston.  It was a great place to work out in the mornings.  I usually would look up Crossfit workouts that didn’t require any weights.  Think lunges, burpees, sprints, squats, etc. I also recently found a great website called BodeeFit that sends you a daily workout that you can do at home.

Go For a Hike:  Find a trail near you.  Ask around or use  

Now that I look at this list myself, I might be re-thinking my gym membership!  The world is our play ground and there are so many ways to stay active without expensive equipment or machines.

How do you stay fit outside of the gym?



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