Tag Archives: clean eating

Truly Eating Local

Hey there! Happy December people! I hope everyone’s holiday season has been a great one so far.  I can’t believe the 2015 year is coming to an end. Too fast, always.

With the holidays here, I always seem to over indulge just a tad during Christmas parties and family get togethers.  This means it’s even more important for me to really be eating clean during the week at least about 80% of the time.

Andy and I recently switched up where we are purchasing our meat.  For the past two years we have spent about $150-$200 a week on food shopping at Whole Foods.  We try to get grass fed, organic, and/or local meat whenever we can.  At Whole Foods this costs a pretty penny for sure.

Last month I came across a post on CTBites about Stuart Family Farm here in Connecticut.  The farm, located in Bridgewater, Connecticut, raises 100% grass-fed Red Angus cattle on 600 acres of land.  They also have pastured pork and poultry.  The farm is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays so Andy and I decided to take the hour long scenic drive north a few weekends ago.  We met the wonderful staff and also the little piggies.  It was a really cool experience to actually see where your food is coming from.


Rudy’s first encounter with these little piggies

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Bouncing Back After Vacation

Yesterday was a tough one.  My body was tired from traveling, still on West Coast time, and  still feeling the vacation blues (mentally and physically).  With all of that said, the best way to feel better is get back on routine!

This is what needed to happen.

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I started my day with a nice black iced coffee from Starbucks, half a banana, and a handful of almonds.  It worked out that today was catered lunch at work.  They actually provide some great healthy lunches about twice a month and always include a huge salad bar spread! Today I filled my plate with spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, a few slices of steak, a couple of slices of grilled chicken, and huge heaping mound of avocado!  I drizzled it all with just plain balsamic vinegar that’s always stocked in the office.

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After work, I headed to a 7:30 yoga class.  Since moving to Connecticut I’ve really only been practicing in the mornings so it was a nice change-up to go tonight.  The temperature cooled down, the room was breezy and peaceful, and it was a great way to end my day!

On my way home I realized I would be passing a Trader Joes!! I haven’t been to Trader’s since I moved out of Boston. I was super excited to take advantage of the opportunity.  I didn’t get much since I have a pretty short week but did stock up on a few staples since Trader’s is super cheap!

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Since it was about 9PM by the time I got home to cook dinner I made a super simple meal that I could also take for lunch tomorrow!

Bacon, Mushroom, Spinach Scramble

2 Servings of Trader Joe’s bacon pieces and ends



4 eggs

Pepper to taste

Saute the bacon until almost cooked to desired crispness.  Break up the mushrooms and throw in with the bacon.  Add the spinach to the pan on top of the bacon and mushrooms.  Cook over medium heat until mushrooms and spinach are cooked.  Add in 4 scrambled eggs and cook for about 5-7 minutes.  Dash some pepper to taste.  Ta – da! That was easy!

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