Tag Archives: local

Why Eat Local?

It’s been almost a full year since Andy and I decided to start buying our meat from a local farm right here in Connecticut.  Despite the fact that we have a giant freezer chest in our guest bedroom, it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made for our wallets, our health, and (now I’m realizing) our environment.


Photo from http://www.stuartfamilyfarm.com

After I processed last week’s election results I realized that real change starts with us individuals right here at home.  We can’t sit around and wait for our leaders to enact change.  It is absolutely necessary that all of us as citizens of this country and humans of this earth begin to make changes that will reverse climate change and start to improve our environmental conditions.

By the way have you seen the new documentary ‘Before the Flood?’ Bonus…Leo is in it.

So I went to Facebook and asked my friends, what can I do to get more involved?  I received a list of organizations to look up from helping clean up our shores to learning more about solar energy.  And while I do want to investigate all of these avenues, I realized that my first step should be to share what we are already doing in our household, that 99.9% of people are not doing. 

Purchasing local, grass-fed beef and pasture raised poultry and pork, is one of the best things you can do for the environment. 

When cows are able to graze in open pastures and are rotated frequently, a natural process occurs.   Continue reading

Truly Eating Local

Hey there! Happy December people! I hope everyone’s holiday season has been a great one so far.  I can’t believe the 2015 year is coming to an end. Too fast, always.

With the holidays here, I always seem to over indulge just a tad during Christmas parties and family get togethers.  This means it’s even more important for me to really be eating clean during the week at least about 80% of the time.

Andy and I recently switched up where we are purchasing our meat.  For the past two years we have spent about $150-$200 a week on food shopping at Whole Foods.  We try to get grass fed, organic, and/or local meat whenever we can.  At Whole Foods this costs a pretty penny for sure.

Last month I came across a post on CTBites about Stuart Family Farm here in Connecticut.  The farm, located in Bridgewater, Connecticut, raises 100% grass-fed Red Angus cattle on 600 acres of land.  They also have pastured pork and poultry.  The farm is open to the public on Saturdays and Sundays so Andy and I decided to take the hour long scenic drive north a few weekends ago.  We met the wonderful staff and also the little piggies.  It was a really cool experience to actually see where your food is coming from.


Rudy’s first encounter with these little piggies

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An Eight Course Meal at Saugatuck Craft Butchery

Happy Monday friends! Boy do I have a great post for you today.

First things first though. The winner of the Strong and KIND bar giveaway is….

Becca! I used the Random Number Generator to pick the winner.  Congrats Becca!

Now on to the yummy, scrumptious, melt in your mouth stuff. Andy and I attended a Harvest Dinner last week at the Saugatuck Craft Butchery.

The Saugatuck Craft Butchery was founded three years ago in Westport, Connecticut by a husband and wife who were unsatisfied with food situation in the area.  It was way too hard to find good quality and local meat so they left their corporate jobs and opened up a food establishment to provide the community with grass fed, antibiotic and hormone free animal products. So cool.

Andy and I have been wanting to get to the butchery to check it out so when the opportunity arose to attend one of their eight course dinners, we jumped right on it!

This was such a cool experience and one of the best, most adventurous meals I have ever had!  We sat right up at the bar seats where we had an up close view of the chef, Emily, at work.  It was like a real live version of Top Chef!

IMG_2407 Continue reading