Tag Archives: Yoga Teacher

Finding My ‘Why’

That’s a big statement, huh?  Finding my ‘Why’.

Last week, driving to work, I turned on one of my favorite podcasts at the moment, SoulFeed. The episode was titled, How to Manifest the Career You Want.  I highly suggest a listen to anyone who is often questioning their path in life (aren’t we all?).  Whether your path in your career or simply who you are being for this world and the people in it.

I had an ah ha moment while listening to Shannon. His very first point talked about starting with ‘Why.’ An idea that Simon Sinek writes about in his book “Start With Why.” Why are you doing the things you are doing in life?  Deep down at your core, what’s driving you?

This idea and conversation sparked some contemplation in me.  And this is when the light bulb went off.


Why do I teach yoga?

Life is hectic, hard, stressful, chaotic, busy.  I can go on, we all know that. Continue reading

What Is Yoga?

Why hello there!  It’s been a little while since my last post (confession?).  I am not going to make excuses I am just going to accept that right now I am blogging when I can find the time.  And if no one is reading that’s okay.  But if someone is, well I’m glad you’re here and I’m still excited to share with you!

I was sifting through some old emails this week and found my Final from Yoga Teacher Training.  Part of my final was to write “What is Yoga?” to me.  I always find it’s an interesting experience to read my own writing months or years later.  I’m usually taken back by the wisdom that I can find in my own words when I read them after the fact.  Typically as I’m writing there is always a little voice in my head saying ‘this stinks.’ Maybe that’s a deeper conversation for a different post!

After reading my ‘What is Yoga?‘ piece almost a year later, I knew I wanted to share it.  It’s funny, it hasn’t changed all that much for me.  What brought me to yoga, kept me coming back, and ultimately led me to become a yoga teacher is still all the same. Here’s what I mean:

What is Yoga?

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When I first rolled out my yoga mat three years ago it was out of the desire to try something new and add dimension to my exercise routine. After that first 90 minutes my curiosity was awakened. I knew I had to explore this practice more. Continue reading

Teaching My Very First Yoga Class

Yes, you read that right! I taught my very first yoga class this weekend. It was sorta last minute, sort of non-traditional, and sort of awesome!

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My mom manages a gym in my home town. I’ve been getting antsy since finishing teacher training, just wanting to get some real life teaching under my belt. I had asked my family if I could do a class just in the back yard. My mom said I could use the room in the gym, and so my first yoga class was born!

It wasn’t officially affiliated with the gym, but we told people over the course of a few days, and guess what? A whole butt load of people showed up!! There were over 20!

I planned a beginners sequence, as a majority of people coming had never even practiced yoga before. I was pretty nervous before, but as has happened in the past (in teacher training) a sort of calm comes over me as I step into the seat of the teacher.

There is a ton I need to work on. Adjustments, speaking more to alignment actions and muscle engagements, and packing in more poses since this time for some reason the clocked seemed as though it had stopped! With that said I was really happy with how it went. Everyone said they loved it! It was the perfect mix of people taking it seriously, knowing how beneficial it is for their bodies, but also having fun and enjoying some moments of laughter.

I spoke about progress and not perfection which was inspired by Laura from Mommy Run Fast’s post this week.

To achieve progression all you need to do is take that first step towards something new. And that’s exactly was everyone in my class did today. I am so grateful for the people… friends, family, and strangers who let me lead them in their first yoga practice. I’m so excited for the next part of my teaching journey.

I truly believe you can become whatever you want in this life if you simply make the choice to step towards what you want.

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