Monthly Archives: August 2015

Four Podcasts I’m Listening To Now

Podcasts are my new favorite commuting soundtrack.  I’ve recently started making an effort to get more out of my driving time other than phone taps and celebrity gossip.  Sure sometimes you want to roll the windows down and blast some good ol’ fashion tunes, but other times why not gain some knowledge while on the road?

I simply just downloaded the podcast app on my i-phone and had thousands at my fingertips.  I guess I should give Andy some credit here.  He got me started when he told me about Mark Sisson’s Primal Blue Print podcast.  From there I realized that so many of my favorite knowledgeable, fun people have podcasts out there where they share their wisdom with the pod-o-sphere.

Here are my favorites:

Primal Blueprint Podcast


This podcast has so much great information pertaining to living a paleolithic / primal lifestyle.  Mark Sisson has interviewed tons experts in all different areas.  I recently listed to one where Mary Vance, a holistic nutritionist, spoke about getting our hormones in balance through diet.  It was super useful for me to learn about!  Continue reading