Tag Archives: Christmas

Italian Christmas vs. Irish Christmas

Alright, I figure I still have a few days left to write about Christmas right?  Okay, good.  I had a great Christmas; ate a little too much, drank a little too much, but I love spending this time of year with my family doing just that!

Christmas Eve was spent at my Dad’s house, the Italian side of the family.  Christmas Day was spent with my Mom’s side of the family, the Irish side.  I absolutely love both celebrations but it’s funny how different they are!

Have a look in pictures and decide for yourself.

Italian Christmas Eve


The table…so pretty!


My Step-Mom makes the most delicious cinnamon sugar roasted pecans.  I told her she should market and sell them!


Appetizers consisted of veggies and dip, hummus, artichoke dip, cold seafood salad, and crackers with this amazing nut crusted cheese ball that my grandma makes.


First course was spaghetti with the option of fish sauce or marinara sauce, crabs, meatballs, and sausage.


I was trying to be good at this point.  My grandma’s meatballs are my absolute favorite!


Dad grilled all of those juicy filets! He marinates them in teriyaki for a while that they get so tender.


Okay, drumroll please.  Stuffed lobster tails…they are to die for.  I just started eating these a few years ago.  I can’t believe I missed out for so long!


The main course spread.



Irish Christmas Day


Christmas morning at my Mom’s.  She goes a little crazy with the stockings!


My aunt made cheese and bacon toasts.


The table.


Lots of meat and potatoes!


My plate consisted of turkey, ham, scalloped potatoes, sweet mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, carrots, and a broccoli and chicken bake.


Of course I had to end the day with an Irish Coffee!

So yes, I over-indulged a bit for Christmas!  But the best part is that I can get right back on track because I know how and how much better I will feel for it.

What was your favorite dish you ate for Christmas?

12 Days of Christmas WOD

Hello!  I can’t believe Christmas is here and gone already…too fast, too fast people.  I am going to do a Christmas re-cap over the next few days but first I wanted to tell you about the workout I did on Christmas Eve.

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I stumbled upon it on Tina’s (from Carrots n Cake) Instagram.  Since I was going to the gym that morning and needed a WOD to do I jumped on it!  I googled 12 Days of Christmas WOD and a bunch of Crossfit gym’s websites came up.  I picked the one that I thought would be best for me.

This is how it went:

  • 1 Clean (30 Pounds)
  • 2 Hand Stand Pushups (modified this to 2 shoulder presses)
  • 3 Front Squats (30 Pounds)
  • 4 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (30 Pounds)
  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 6 Box Jumps
  • 7 Burpees
  • 8 Push Ups
  • 9 Wall Balls (10 Pounds)
  • 10 Kettle Bell Swings (15 Pounds)
  • 11 Deadlifts (30 Pounds)
  • 12 Thrusters

The concept of the workout worked just like the 12 Days of Christmas song.  Do exercise 1, then exercise 1 and 2, then 1 and 2 and 3, and so on.  It was a really tough one but so fun and so worth it!  I’m telling you, one of the best motivators I have found is knowing you are going to be enjoying yourself (and cheating).  It gives me the motivation knowing I am earning my meals!  I finished in just under 30 minutes!  

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How did you earn your Christmas dinners?

Twas’ The Weekend Before Christmas…

Happy Monday!  I have today AND tomorrow off so I am super excited.  It’s so nice having weekdays off, I feel like you get so much more done.

This weekend before Christmas was a good one.  It was relaxing, fun, and productive!  What else can you ask for?

Friday, I stayed home at my apartment and decided to take it easy.  I packed for the weekend (Andy lives about a half hour away and my family an hour), wrapped presents, and had a healthy delicious meal.

My go – to Spinach, Mushroom, and Bacon omelet with broccoli and avocado on the side.

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This was perfect because I woke up nice and refreshed on Saturday morning ready for 8:30AM yoga!  I love Saturday morning yoga.  When I got to Andy’s I decided I wasn’t done with it yet so was playing around with my headstands and handstands.

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Saturday night we had plans to go to a friend’s house for a Christmas / Birthday gathering.  I decided to bring an appetizer and settled on Deviled Eggs with Bacon.  I followed George from the Civilized Caveman’s recipe.  I added about a tablespoon of organic mayo because my filling looked a little dry.

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They were a huge hit at the party which was a relief because it was my first time making them.  Everyone was so intrigued that there was avocado and bacon….success!

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Sunday was filled with napping, seeing both of our families for a little, some late night shopping, and more present wrapping.  Last minute shopping included Target, Dick’s Sporting Goods, CVS, and some restaurants for gift cards.

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Where have you spent your last-minute shopping?