Tag Archives: lunch

Summer Cobb Salad

Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was a good one especially because it officially feels like summer. This was the first weekend that I really got to enjoy our new house and relaxing out on our beautiful deck.

It was filled with relaxing, yoga, catching up with friends, and enjoying time with family. Sunday was gorgeous out. When we went grocery shopping at Whole Foods I saw these beautiful sunflowers and just had to get them. I’ve never been much of a flower person or plant person but I think that might change living in a house now. I put the sunflowers in the mason jar that I got at Goodwill (for only two dollars). I put them on our table outside and they look so pretty! These made me really happy…sometimes it’s just the little things!

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After doing a ton of grilling all weekend and pretty much always, I decided to change it up for dinner last night. I wanted a light, summery salad but still one that was filling. So was born this summer cob salad.

Summer Cobb Salad

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New Year, New Recipes – Bacon Broccoli Frittata

Happy New Year!  I can’t believe it is two thousand and FOURTEEN!  That just seems crazy to me because it makes me feel like I am getting old.  I remember one of my first New Years Eve’s spent with friends was in 7th grade for Y2K.  Remember that? Y2K, when everyone thought the world might end.

So I’ve always been all about setting goals for the New Year.  Ya know, starting the first day of the year refreshed, motivated, empowered and all of that.  Well this year I am delaying this whole process a few days.  I am going to spend the weekend home, with some time to myself, getting things sorted, and detoxing a bit.  And while I am excited to do this I almost feel guilty that I didn’t have all of these feelings and motivation on January 1st.  That’s silly right?

One thing I did do on January 1st was buy a new cook book (I’ll post about that later).  So being inspired by lots of different recipes I decided to come up with my own!  As you know I typically eat my go-to omelet for dinner 3-4 nights a week. Well….I decided it’s a New Year, so new recipes are a must.  Yes I only, changed two ingredients and the way it’s cooked but it still counts.

Bacon Broccoli Frittata


**Disclaimer: This recipe is one of those, do what feels right, in terms of measurements. 


  • 3-4 Slices of Bacon
  • 1/2 Yellow Onion
  • 3-4 Broccoli Crowns Chopped into Florets (the way they come in the store with an elastic around the stalks)
  • 8 Eggs (whisked)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Garlic Powder

Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees.  Once your broccoli is cut up, steam it so they are cooked and soft.  I did this in the microwave by adding 3 tablespoons of water and broccoli to a covered bowl.  I microwaved them for 2 minutes and they came out perfect.

While the broccoli is in the microwave start cooking your bacon in a pan over medium heat for about 7-8 minutes.  When the bacon is cooked to your liking remove from the pan.  Add your chopped onion to the pan with the bacon fat.  Saute the onions until they become clear about 3- 5 minutes.  Add the broccoli to the pan and turn the burner to low and mix around.

While the broccoli and onions are over low heat, beat your 8 eggs in a bowl and cut your cooked bacon into smaller pieces.  Add half the eggs to an oiled pan, then add the broccoli and onions.  Finally, add the rest of the eggs and bacon on top.  Cook in the oven for 20-25 minutes or until frittata is firm.


I think I need to work on making my recipe instructions less wordy!  Any suggestions or tips?

Easy Primal Salsa Burgers

I can’t take full credit for these primal salsa burgers.  My sister gave me the idea this summer when she told me about her salsa turkey or chicken burgers.  I decided to try them out with some real meat and on the grill.  Now they have become a go-to dinner / lunch.  I’ve really been enjoying bringing burgers to work for my lunch.  They’re easy to re-heat and filling!

Easy Primal Salsa Burgers

  • 1.5 llbs organic grass-fed beef sirloin
  • 1 cup of fresh salsa (mine was from Whole Foods)

Mix the beef and salsa together and form 5 patties.  Throw on the grill on medium heat and cook for 8-10 minutes on one side and then flip.  Cook for an additional 5-10 minutes depending on your desired temperature.  Wah lah! Told you that was easy!

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For my sides I cooked up some quinoa and roasted some brussels sprouts with salt, pepper, and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

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This meal was a perfect one to follow the workout I did tonight.  I feel like my week doesn’t start until my Monday workout and dinner…it really helps kick me in to gear for the rest of the week.  

Tonight’s Workout

  • Ran 1 mile
  • Walked for 5 minutes
  • Biked for 5 minutes at a high resistance

Three Rounds for Time: Completed in 8:15

  • 10 clean squats with 40 pound bar
  • 20 box jumps

This WOD was a quick hitter but definitely kicked my butt.  My legs are going to be feeling pretty sore tomorrow!