Tag Archives: oatmeal

A Super Simple Recipe – Oatless Oatmeal!

Alright maybe it’s the cold weather settling in or the fact that my schedule has me getting home much later on Mondays…but I’ve been craving something warm, comforting, and easy for dinner.  Before going primal I literally used to eat oatmeal with peanut butter every day for breakfast.  So for some reason, the past few weeks I’ve really been craving my old go-to.

This was my first attempt at making Oatless Oatmeal.  It is a super simple recipe that’s perfect for nights you get home late or mornings when you want something other than eggs!

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By the way, I didn’t measure much for this recipe. It’s approximate, so add a little here and there to your liking.

Oatless Oatmeal

  • 1 very ripe banana
  • 1 tsp of coconut oil
  • Justin’s Almond Butter (I used Maple but any flavor would be great I’m sure)
  • Some milk (I used skim milk this time around)
  • Sea Salt
  • Cinnamon

Place a small sauce pan on the stove over medium heat.  Add the coconut oil so that it melts.  Break your banana into small pieces and add them to the pan.  Start to mash them, it will become easier as they get warmer.  Add in almond butter (i used about 2 scoops) and milk.  Start mixing and keep mashing to get out most of the clumps.  Add a dash of salt and some cinnamon.  Stir for another 5 minutes or until it has the consistency you like.  Pour in a bowl, cozy up on the couch, and enjoy!

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Does anyone else have a good recipe or different version of “oatless” oatmeal?