How To Clean Your Yoga Mat

Okay, let’s start this with a confession.  I don’t clean my yoga mat nearly as much as I should.  There I said it.  And I’m assuming at least 90% of yogis out there would say the same thing!  If you live in the suburbs and drive to yoga, it’s pretty safe to assume that your yoga mat hardly ever sees anything besides your car’s back seat and your yoga studio floor.

The problem is that whenever I roll out my mat I immediately want to pick up the, what seems like hundreds, of fuzzies and hairs.  No mater how many I pick off, there always seems to be more!

I was determined to find a solution so I thought, well I need something sticky.  What is sticky and on a roller?  A lint brush!  It was the perfect way to pick up all of those unwanted hairs and fuzzies off of your mat.  The first time I broke out the lint brush before class, everyone loved the idea.  Apparently this was revolutionary; no one had ever seen it before! Woo hoo go Kelsey!

How To Clean Your Yoga Mat

photo 4 (17)

What You Need

  • Pants Hanger (the kind with the two clips)
  • Sticky Lint Roller
  • Sponge
  • Swinging Door (closet door works well)
  1. Take your hanger and clip it on to the shorter side of your yoga mat.
  2. Hang your mat on a free swinging door.
  3. Lint roll one side and then the other.
  4. Dampen a sponge and wipe down each side.

That’s it!

photo 3 (25)

photo 5 (18)


  1. skeating93 says:

    How clever! I’ve got a couple lint rollers floating around & a yoga mat that’s in desperate need of a cleaning so I will definitely be trying this out soon!

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